Monday, September 23, 2013

Update on AR Plan

My action research project is to determine in what ways will a school-wide Positive Behavior Initiative positively affect students at North Elementary to address the need for clear school wide expectations and positive behavior reinforcement procedures?
I have implemented the Positive Behavior Initiative by posting school wide clear expectations all over the campus. I have also developed the Star Bucks system for positive behavior reinforcement. Students who are displaying the expectations are given a Star Buck that they can spend at the Star Store. Items for sale in the store include things from eating lunch with a teacher to being principal for half the day.
Students are motivated by the bucks and teachers are very pleased with the positive behaviors they are seeing.
I am gathering data by conducting student and teacher surveys on the progress of the program. I have also taken some field observations on how students are behaving as a result of the program implementation.
I am currently in the process of implementing the teacher incentive program called Teacher Bucks in which faculty members can also earn bucks to purchase items from the teacher store. The teacher store sells items such as a free jeans day, ½ day off, and hour long lunches. I am anxious to see the response of the staff when this program begins next week. I hope to see staff members motivated to work even harder for the success of their students.
The main obstacle I have encountered is data collection. The program is going great in real life; however, I am having hard time collecting data to show the true value of the program. The data I have collected shows that students and staff are positively affected by the program implementation.