Friday, March 15, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: To determine in what ways will a school-wide Positive Behavior Initiative positively affect students at North Elementary to address the need for clear school wide expectations and positive behavior reinforcement procedures?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Implement PBIS program in which students receive Starbuck Award for displaying desired expectations. Bucks may be used to purchase incentive items at the school store.
Mrs. Collinsworth gather and referrals with Mr. Lippe
Mrs.Wright will sell items at the store 3 days per week.
March 25, 2013-Gather and review all referrals.
March 25, 2013- Print all StarBuck Awards
April 10th- Start selling incentives
Gather and review all discipline referrals of 3rd grade students for the past school year. Print Starbuck Awards and create price chart for incentive items at the school store.
At end of six weeks grading period, all referrals will be reviewed to determine number to look for increase or decrease.
 Review award incentive program with staff to ensure that all staff are participating in award incentive program.
Present PBIS program to staff and students in a school wide assembly. Explain expectations and StarBuck awards. Detail price list at school store.
Survey staff and students
Mrs. Collinsworth will conduct surveys and interviews. Mrs. Collinsworth and Mr. Lippe will conduct school wide assembly.
March 30, 2013 Conduct staff and student preplan survey
November 2013 Conduct post plan survey
April 2, 2013 Conduct preplan interviews of staff and students.
November 2013 Post plan interviews
 April 9, 2013 School wide assembly
Survey of staff and students on current school climate and after implementation of plan. Interview staff and students on current school climate and after implementation.
At end of six weeks, evaluations will be done on the plans implementation to ensure all staff are participating in award incentive program. At evaluation, perform a review for staff not participating in award incentive program.
Set up and conduct collaborative team meetings to discuss benefits of plan and create excitement about new rewards and starbucks currency system.
Compare the number of discipline referrals of repeat offenders prior to and after the implementation of the initiative.
Mrs. Collinsworth will conduct collaborative meeting. Mrs. Collinsworth and Mr. Lippe will conduct evaluations of staff participation.
Mrs. Collinsworth will do the comparison and data collection.
April 8 Staff Meeting
December 2013 All evaluations will be completed
May 2013 referral collection of repeat offenders prior to plan implementation.
Dec 2013 referral collection after plan implementation.
Evaluation document to evaluate staff on implementation in plan.
Referral files of repeat offenders.
Periodic evaluations of plan implementation will show teacher buy in.
At completion of plan, evaluation will be done on the repeat offenders to determine if those students were positively affected by the initiative.
Field note taking on playground and in cafeteria
Mrs. Collinsworth will do observation and take field notes.
October 2013 Completion of all field note taking.
Field note taking booklet
After field notes are completed, all notes will be reviewed to determine the effectiveness of the initiative.


  1. Barbara, I really like your plan. A good and consistent reward and discipline plan is very important. However in just looking at this I think it might be a little out of order? For example, you are going to implement before you present the program to the staff, this might make it easier for teachers to dismiss the program.

  2. Your action research plan looks great. You seem to have spread out the components of your plan and are utilizing a variety of data collection strategies to obtain your data. I am looking forward to reading your research findings. A school-wide positive behavior initiative is a very interesting topic.

  3. Barbara, I believe your action research plan will be an asset to your campus. Implementing the PBIS around this time of the year will be very beneficial, specially when things get crazy around the end of the school year. I like the consistency in monitoring and evaluating its outcomes.
    You may have already plan this, just an idea to look for patters of behavior on previous year and to compare them with this year, just a thought.
    I look forward to read about your findings!!

  4. I imagine you could gather loads of data on referrals from the previous year, implement, then compare. I like this plan, and the depth of your plan is fantastic. Very detailed. I like the post plan interviews with repeat offenders idea. I would love to sit in on one of those if I could. Good luck, and I look forward to following your research.

  5. This is a great plan for the elementary school level. I wish that you could come up with an incentive that will entice all teachers to participate.

  6. Hey Barbara, this is great idea. I was involved with a Positive Behavior class at my previous district. That particular class was not run the way it was meant to be but one thing I realized quick is that anything that can be given for to a student is a huge motivator. Students these days need something to give them a reason to want to do what they need to. Even if this is for behavior, you need to know what the kids want.

  7. Looking forward to following your project. I hope you get the support of all the teachers and administrators.

  8. I like the incentive based plan for teachers and students. I did not put much about evaluation and may look to your program for extra incentives that I may be able to add to my plan. Our former CBISS program which no longer exist was based on incentives and work like a charm. It actually developed more positive relationships for me as a teacher and got more teachers involved.
