Sunday, March 10, 2013

Wk 2 Reflection

After looking more deeply at possible action research projects and the importance of this research for my development as a leader, I have learned that action research is a great tool for becoming an effective school leader. Action research is essential in being "head learner" on campus when principals conduct action research studies, they are able to correctly identify and address needs for their school or district. By focusing on qualitative and quanitative data around a certain issue, principals can develop programs to improve very specific areas pertaining to the issue. Continual study of different areas is a key to school improvement. Principals should never stop learning or growing. Another lesson I took from this week was from the interview with Mr. Chargois. He really made it clear that all research should be based upon the question: "Does this research increase student performance?" This is such an important point because the research should always come back to how the student is affected either directly or indirectly. He also reiterated the point of ensuring the security of research data and student identity. This was a topic I had not thought of in the area of action research.

1 comment:

  1. I had the same realization that any reseach plan we do as principals must come back to the students. I think you are right on that this is a very important realization. We aren't doing research papers just to answer questions, we are analyzing data to help kids. Great post!
